Statement of Significance, Church of St Martin, Bowness-on-Windermere
A statement of significance of the Church of St Martin, Bowness-on-Windermere was produced by M. Barter (The Architectural History Practice Ltd) and D. Elsworth (Greenlane Archaeology Ltd). The building is a Grade I Listed Building and is a good example of a late medieval church; it was first built in the 13th century and rebuilt in the 1480s after a fire. It was restored by Paley and Austin 1870-73 and extended with a new vestry in 1911 and a First World War Memorial Chapel in 1922. The oval form of the burial ground suggests an early date, but its present boundaries date from the 1920s, when cottages to the south-east were demolished and the south-east boundary wall was built. The burial ground closed in 1856.