Creative Confectionary Site, Cross Lane, Kendal, Cumbria: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment
A desk-based assessment was carried out to accompany a proposed planning application for the Creative Confectionary Site, Cross Lane, Kendal, Cumbria. The site is situated in the Kirkland area of Kendal, within the medieval burgage plots that extend from the main street. Kirkland is thought to have more ancient origins and is considered the earliest element of the town. Several other archaeological investigations have been carried out in the area, and while these have not made any significant discoveries, deposits and finds of medieval and post-medieval date have been identified. The site visit identified few constraints to further archaeological work, other than the presence of the extant buildings on the site, some of which are considered of some historical importance in their own right, having been constructed in the late 19th century and forming part of a group of buildings utilised by a wool stapler.
The full report is available on the Archaeology Data Service website: