Land at Jack Hill, Allithwaite (Desk-Based Assessment)

Land at Jack Hill, Allithwaite, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment

Prior to the submission of a planning application for a proposed residential development on land at Jack Hill, Allithwaite, Greenlane Archaeology carried out an archaeological desk-based assessment and site visit in order to make a brief assessment of the site. The desk-based assessment revealed that the site lies c560m to the south of a Bronze Age cremation cemetery, which was excavated in 2001. A further single Bronze Age cremation was also found in Yew Tree Field some 230m to the west of the site in 1834, further demonstrating prehistoric activity in the vicinity, which also includes lithic finds from the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. The mapping evidence shows that the site has been open fields since at least the early 19th century. The site visit revealed no obvious features of archaeological interest within the proposed development area or constraints to further archaeological work.

The full report is available on the Archaeology Data Service website: