Land at Pit Farm, Haggs Lane, Cartmel, Cumbria: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment
Greenlane Archaeology was commissioned to carry out a desk-based assessment as part of pre-planning consultation for a proposed residential development on land at Pit Farm, Haggs Lane, Cartmel, Cumbria. The site is to the east side of the centre of the village of Cartmel, south of Pit Farm, on Haggs Lane. The Historic Environment Record records a variety of sites within the study area, including a number of stray finds of Roman and medieval date, which are not well located, and the history of the site is dominated by the development of Cartmel Priory in the late 12th century. A map regression demonstrates that the site has been an open field since at least 1807 and has seen little development until relatively recently. Pit Farm may derive its name from the extraction of iron ore and more recently a horse training ring has been constructed on the site. In view of the archaeological evidence from the wider area and the possible historic interest suggested by the name ‘Pit Farm’, there is some potential for remains of archaeological interest to be present although probably only of medieval and later date.
The full report is available on the Archaeology Data Service website: