Skirting and Whangs Beck, Egremont, Cumbria: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment and Heritage Impact Assessment
The Environment Agency proposed the installation of new reservoir, storage, floodgate and flood defence walls, flood storage areas and embankments and penstock chambers, and upsizing and repairing sections of Skirting and Whangs Beck culverts, Egremont, Cumbria (NGR 300529 510808 (centre)). As a result of the potential for negative impacts upon heritage assets of archaeological interest during the works associated with the development, Atkins Global, working on behalf of the Environment Agency, requested that Oxford Archaeology North undertake an archaeological desk-based assessment and heritage impact assessment to provide the relevant information. The research and site visit were undertaken by Dan Elsworth (Greenlane Archaeology Ltd), the illustrations were produced by Adam Parsons (Oxford Archaeology North) and Tom Mace (Greenlane Archaeology Ltd). The report was written by Dan Elsworth and Tom Mace and edited by Jo Dawson (Greenlane Archaeology Ltd). The landscape in the vicinity of the proposed development is rich in terms of late medieval and especially post-medieval and later activity, but there are also stray finds of Romano-British and prehistoric date.