Sowerby Lodge Farm, Bank Lane, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment and Heritage Impact Assessment
FAB Energy Solutions proposed the installation of a 10.6 ha solar farm at Sowerby Lodge Farm, Bank Lane, Barrow-in-Furness. AAH Planning Consultants, acting on behalf of FAB Energy Solutions, requested that Oxford Archaeology North undertake an archaeological desk-based assessment and heritage impact assessment to provide the relevant information. The project was managed by Dan Elsworth (Greenlane Archaeology Ltd) in communication with Karl Taylor at Oxford Archaeology North. Dan Elsworth undertook the historic research and site visit and compiled the report, with additional work by Tom Mace (Greenlane Archaeology Ltd), who also produced the illustrations, and the report was edited by Jo Dawson (Greenlane Archaeology Ltd). The landscape in the vicinity of the proposed development is rich in terms of post-medieval activity, but there are also stray finds of Prehistoric date, as well as features of unknown date, and nearby Sowerby Lodge and Sowerby Hall both of which have at least medieval origins.